Virgin Media concept design

Research, concept

A pitch featuring the concept generation process of ways to get people to use the Wifi which Virgin Media set up on the tube stations.
Role / Research, concept, UX,UI
Client type / B2C
Tools / Marker, Photoshop


How to make people start using wifi in London Underground


First, I define the research contents of the project. After brainstorming, I found out that the geographic factor of being in the underground system will differentiate this project/app with any others. During the AR scenario research, it shows that AR could acts as a trigger in the beginning or continue as a part of the interaction.

Main Proposition

Focus on the interconnection between user experience and physical experience; Simple game mechanics (which will cause addiction) & sport related.

Design direction

The core mechanices in mobile gaming could be as simple as just one repeatedly motion, or a series of interrelated motions, but has to satisfy some kind of players’ craving such as destruction, curious, control etc..

Concep 1

Fantasy adventure (do what you can’t do in real life)
Having both input and output (make users more involved)
Perceptual patterns of learning

Concep 2

Sport related
The interconnection between user experience and physical experience
Simple game mechanics (which will cause addiction)

Concep 3

Sport related
A challenge involving both virtual and physical interaction
Simple game mechanics (which will cause addiction)