Emotional user

Animation, app, web design
A veteran toy artisan once remarked to me: “Being happy is one of the most functional things”. His sentiment encapsulated the imbalance between the functional over the emotional in craftsmanship. This section compiles works that arouse emotions such as joy, reward, excitement, conviviality, and anxiety- depending on the brief. We believe adding a bespoke momentum creates a flow that directs users to move smoothly through this user experience.
Role / art direction, UI, animation
Client type / B2C
Tools / Photoshop, Illustrator


Loading screens
A sequence that delivers a message of joy.

A surprise animation that brings together all the animals you’ve encountered.  

Combining UI with function.

The light/shadow follows users’ cursor and creates a spooky feeling, which stimulates the need of purchasing.

Product design

Campaign &
Graphic design